How to recognize the moment of spiritual awakening in one's life?

Spiritual energy and awakening of consciousness

The awakening in spirituality can be seen in various ways. From the religious point of view, it translates into the culmination of a commitment to a belief. That is to say that the individual believes in one thing, he takes a path that should give him access to emancipation. When finally this moment arrives, we speak of awakening. From this point of view, it is that the individual has managed to establish a direct connection between him and the thing he believes in. This would be the highest level in religious spirituality. Both Christianity and Hindu, Buddhist and illuminist religions speak of it.

Outside of religion, spiritual awakening is related to spirituality, that is, spiritually oriented personal development. To be awake is to have a connection with one's real intimate being, to see the world beyond Euclid's 3-dimensional point, the social conventions and beliefs that imprison us . The awakening of consciousness is expressed by an infinite joy, a feeling of eternity, a concordance with oneself with others and with our silent surroundings. For an enlightened person, there is no absolute truth. To be awake is simply to reach a high level of spiritual development. As described in another article, spiritual development allows for harmonization between the two parts of the individual.

Spiritual awakening, an existential questioning

When a spiritual energy begins to manifest itself, the first symptom is the questioning. The individual asks himself questions about who I am, what is my mission here, where do I come from? The individual is then looking for answers. He realizes that his entire environment is actually a mask. He realizes that the human being has not been, is not, and will never be superior as our beliefs are. If I am not the supreme being, who am I then?

The individual does not stop until he has answers. In his research, he discovers that he has an immortal part in him and that there may be another world apart from ours. Spiritual awakening is a difficult phase in the life of every human being. It is not a phenomenon that appears spontaneously, but it is the result of a click. Without a click, no awakening of the higher consciousness .

To be awake, to know the reason for its existence

Always in search of answers, the human being wants to discover his reason for existing on this earth, his mission, his reason for being.When spiritual energy is present, the individual needs to attach his existence to a transcendental purpose beyond the lusts of each day. It is this goal that he will try to reach every day of his life. To achieve this goal of life, the individual surrounds himself with people who have the same vision as him. He creates a network in which he can feel comfortable talking about his questions and aspirations.

Finding the purpose of his existence may seem difficult for many people, but often he is right in front of us without our noticing it. To find your goal, I recommend a spiritual Japanese method that allows you to live for an accomplished spiritual awakening.

A new way of thinking and acting

When the individual realizes who he is and what he is doing for, he becomes a new person. All his life changes and what he took for absolute truth becomes relative. He sees and feels everything differently. Someone who is truly spiritual pays attention to everything going on around him. There is no chance or coincidence and everything that happens to him or her is good or bad. Difficulties aiming at its edification.

Realizing the value of the human being, he gets rid of his affections and love for the material good because he knows that it will not serve him in his immortal world. He is content to satisfy his basic needs. Also, he gets rid of all useless relationships. Spiritual awakening can lead man to be perceived as 'crazy' since he no longer has the same conception of things as his peers.

Certainty in the awakening of the higher consciousness

Faced with spiritual energy, the individual no longer feels any fear of life, death, illness or all those things that scare the standard man. He lives without fear in a turbulent world. Simply because he realizes that there is a superior being, a superior force, a gentle wisdom that watches over him at every moment. It is not necessarily about religion, God or beliefs. But, spiritual awakening means that the individual attaches his existence to something greater and noble. This same ancient philosophers and scientists have understood and for them, the supreme being is the 'principle'. For others, it's God.

Spiritual energy and fatigue

There may be a moment of great fatigue and exhaustion during your awakening of the higher consciousness. Do not worry, this is a natural reaction of the body. Indeed, your body has not been programmed to respond to this flow of spiritual energy that generates your state of awakening. To question oneself , to question one's beliefs, to lift those blogs and to redefine oneself otherwise requires a lot of energy. And it takes time for the body to adapt, hence the moments of fatigue and exhaustion. Here are some  tips to fight against fatigue  .Over time, you will no longer observe fatigue because your body will adapt. Spiritual Awakening wants you to go about taking care of your well-being. Give yourself rest when you need it and you will see that everything will be fine.