The 5 principles of life after awakening

Spiritual awakening is a phenomenon experienced by many of us. We open ourselves to our true nature and raise our level of consciousness. As I mentioned in my previous articles, several transformations are appearing at this time. We are experiencing great emotional upheavals that push us to question everything and take stock of our lives.

And now, what about this awareness of the meaning of our existence? Here is what I remembered and realized during my own awakening. I summarize it in 5 principles of life:

1) Simplify your existence

2) Be in joy

3) Devote one's life to one's soul mission

4 ) Know and accept his true nature

5) Become love

These 5 principles of life have become the foundation of my existence. Let's examine them a little more in detail.

1) Simplify your existence

We often tend to complicate life. Why? Because the ego believes it's the only way for him to survive. Our mind makes us believe that we must always add a little more. More work, more material goods, more money, more relationships ... We also believe that we need to be more efficient, more competitive, more perfectionist, more conciliatory. In short, we never feel up to it and we always demand more of ourselves. The awakening makes us realize that it is in simplicity that we will find our happiness. As much in the inner and outer simplicity.

How to simplify one's life internally?

By getting rid of our repetitive negative thoughts. Putting aside our judgments, opinions and derogatory comments. By accepting others as they really are. Leaving room for our feelings and emotions from the heart. By maintaining a positive speech with ourselves and letting our light emanate. By ceasing to demand excellence, accepting our faults and qualities. By accepting the present moment, without always thinking of tomorrow.

How to simplify your life externally?

By getting rid of everything that is not essential and vital. By stopping accumulating unimportant objects, making room for novelty. By reducing our tasks, our obligations because it comes from our ego, which is never satisfied. By ceasing to add stress and enjoying what we are, do and have. Abandoning everything that causes us turmoil, worry and tension.

2) Be in joy

When we are in joy, we vibrate at a much higher frequency. We attract people, events and situations that we need to evolve. Now, how to be in joy? Do what you like. Do what makes you happy and fills you with happiness. It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger, going to water your garden, reading a book or doing a yoga session. It can also be to help others, to help a sick child, to bring comfort to a friend, no matter what gives you joy. Do it as often as possible.

3) Devote one's life to one's soul mission

Life makes sense when we listen and hear the calls of our soul, which awakens us to our mission here below. Since our childhood, our soul whispered the road to follow. She tries to get in touch with us and waits patiently for the moment when we will let her guide us.

Knowing one's mission and accepting it with all one's heart is a big step on the path of our evolution. And when you accept it, your whole Being will vibrate at a luminous intensity. You only have to follow the path that will open before you.

To devote one's life to one's mission of soul is to answer the call at heart. It is to believe that there is a superior plan for all of us here on Earth. It is to embrace with all your heart the perfection of the Universe and to be guided to an unknown destination, taking advantage of every moment.

4) Know and accept his true nature

Awakening makes us realize that we are much more than our physical body, our name, our age and even our nationality and our civil status. We are Presence, Consciousness, Light, Unity, Joy. We are a spiritual and multidimensional being, come to Earth to live experiences in the matter. We are here to evolve consciously.

Our true nature is hidden behind our mind, our ego. She is in the depths of our Being. This is our fundamental essence.To feel it, we must calm our minds. Give yourself moments of tranquility. Return to you. Remember who we are. Enter the fold.

Our life is a long process of discovery, realization, acceptance and unification. Knowing our true nature is part of this process and if you cross it in joy and letting go, you will awaken to a universe even more wonderful than anything you can imagine.

5) Become love

This is the reason for being first of our passage here on Earth. What other reason do we have to be here to experience love in all its forms? Love for his child, for his life partner, for his family, for his friends, for pure strangers. Love for nature, for creation and for the one who allows us to live this life.

Becoming love is certainly not easy in our time. But the one who makes it his reason for being and pursues his goal with determination, faith and confidence will grow and bring light to humanity.

Every thought, word, gesture, or action of love will bring sweetness and comfort to others. Becoming aware that we can heal ourselves and heal the world around us, by becoming love, can change our lives and those of others forever.

So be stronger than anything, stronger than our ego, stronger than our negative thoughts, and listen to the path dictated by our heart. He knows the way to return to love.